Monday, November 14, 2011, Kelsey Jordan.

What to say, what to say....

A little about me... As you can see I have a hard time selling myself. I don't want to seem maniacally boring or like such an egotistical ass that the mere mention of my name sends a wave of collective eye rolls to the audience. I guess I can just strive for the truth and let wherever I fall be what it is.

In my personal life I am a wife, mother of one, and psychology student. I'm an avid reader, but I tend to be genre specific (I'm trying to branch out, but it isn't working so far). I'm a writer. I started in poetry when I was thirteen (*gasp* nope wasn't born with pencil in hand), but in the last three years I made the leap to fiction.

Currently I have my primary WIP, a paranormal romance, is part of a four book series that happened to spawn five world books. My secondary WIP is part of a seven book series that I'm fighting my characters to keep in the fantasy genre (I'm losing as of late). But if I include all my outlined projects that are in the works but sitting on the back burner, I'm running around twenty books.

I'm unamused by that number. It's too many and yet I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that sixteen of those twenty will get written. The characters that scream at me are giving me no choice. Hopefully they won't all end up on my shelf in the once upon a dream category.

As for my inspiration, well it honestly often starts with a question or one sentence. My primary WIP was started off of a one sentence writing prompt and my secondary off of a question I had after I read a series by G.A.Aiken.

In the Introducing...You blog I mentioned the name of my would be followers and where it came from. The first book in my series is titled (as it stands now) Authentic Lie. Its in rewrite (again), but this one is more painful than the last because well...I decided to change from first person to third. It makes the book better but it's a process to say the least.

Hopefully as time passes, I will introduce you to some of the characters and you can get to love (or hate) them as much as I do.

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