I like my blog title. Sorry just a random thought. But it is sort of how I'm feeling right now. At the moment both of my WIPs are at a stand still. No one is screaming too loud at me for me to write their lines or cultivate their stories. And yet there is chaos running rampant in my head.
Freaking migraines. I had a lovely Biology test today (bleck), but I think I did okay considering I had three hours of sleep before my toddler climbed into our bed, clawed at my right eye to signal she needed her diaper changed. She's been doing that a lot lately, waking up in the middle of the night to get her diaper changed and then going right back to sleep. I just wish she would use words instead of abusing me from my sleep.
I woke up with a migraine (went to sleep with one too), but half a Loratab later and I'm only drowsy. Yes, I took a Loratab for a migraine. When they are kicking that bad, nothing else works.
Okay, onto something more conductive than whining. Let's talk writing.
I am currently stuck with one of my characters. I heart stars and rainbow him, but he is beginning to frustrate me. His "voice" keeps changing. I can't seem to keep him consistent in my mind and its frustrating.
I know people sound different and don't necessarily use the same diction and syntax when they talk to their friends versus when they talk to their bosses. I know I don't, not that I have a boss at the moment to worry about.
However, he seems to change depending on the mood he is in. The problem is that he has no "mood" he is part of a race of beings that in their creation by the AlphaOmega (or AO as it prefers to be called) that doesn't have a concept of human emotions. It allows them to judge Vampires for crimes they may have committed without being distracted by the emotional complications that could easily arise. My Guardians are the ultimate judge (until their dirty little secret comes out later) and their lack of emotional understanding makes their job easier. But it makes mine harder.
Maximus, the character in question, has flickers of emotions. That isn't a good thing at least until he becomes a member of the Emortuus ranks, which doesn't happen until later. By the way, an Emortuus is a higher being that has control over human emotions. It's more complicated than that, but I don't want to bog you down with too much explication.
I'm trying to edit out his emotions and I'm fighting him for control to make sure his voice remains the same. I'm getting to the point where I will just write the freaking thing and let my beta readers tear it apart because this is the fourth edit (first complete overhaul) and I'm ready my hair out.
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