Monday, November 14, 2011

  I know at this current date and time that there isn't a you to introduce, but I'm going to do it anyway.

  You see I hope to one day have followers and on that day when you look over and see Lesser Mundanes, no one can say that I never explained it. So here we go.

   I wrote a Vampire book. I know I know, its so posh right now. Yes, I just used the word posh. Don't judge me. However, mine are different. I see your eyes rolling, but give me some time and I will prove it.

  The title of Lesser Mundane is a classification of Vampire in my books. They are in essence the most coveted members of Vampire society because of their beauty and grace. The Lesser part of the title refers that they are among the Lesser members of Vampire society. It is also my slight tilt of head to J.R.Ward who had a different type of Lesser in her Black Dagger Brotherhood series. The Mundane part isn't meant to be derogatory, but you should know that in my series a becoming a Vampire doesn't mean that everyone is created equal. As is the way of life. Some are lucky to be born into Otherlife with talents and capabilities beyond the normal racial capabilities of becoming a member of Vampire society.

  A quick vocab lesson regarding my book. Otherlife is in reference into the life you lead after you become a Vampire. In my slice of the Vampire world you do not die when you become a Vampire. You just become that little box named Other.

  Now you, all of you are my beauties and I have named you as I see you, beauty and grace. I hope to see you soon and I look forward to a long and budding readership from you.

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