They are giving me whispers lately. My characters that is. Everyone has a scene that they want out, but no one is shouting or even just having a seat at the forefront of my mind and telling me plainly how they want it. Instead they whisper, at the most inconvenient times I might add, a scene that comes out really awesome.
I mean I love the wording, the emotional context and the movement of the scene, but they always come when I am nowhere near a pen and paper or my laptop. Needless to say that I have lost countless scenes due to the whispering between my ears.
Its frustrating because I have the most difficult time with the emotional parts of my book. I'm logical to a fault. The reason for that goes back to my childhood, a long story that wont get told here, but in the end it left me a little detached from the emotional side of myself. It sucks but I don't know where to start to unlock that steel door.
Anyway, I manage to always work out my emotional stuff in my head but I am lost when it comes to putting it down in words so that I can show the emotional context.
I'm rereading all of my favorite series and this time making notes on the emotional "showing" that happens, especially with males. I'm hoping a trip down rereading lane will inspire me or at the very least give me clues to what I'm doing wrong, right and all the goodness in between.
Well, wish me luck.
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